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Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) serves as a non-invasive cardiac examination aimed at identifying issues concerning the heart’s electrical activity.

The ECG procedure measures the heart’s electrical conduction system, capturing electrical impulses generated during cardiac tissue depolarization and re-polarization, translating them into distinct waveforms.

Furthermore, it aids in the identification of abnormal blood supply (Ischemia) and irregular impulse generation and propagation.

At AJ Rapha, we offer unparalleled diagnostic cardiology services in a comfortable environment, equipped with cutting-edge facilities. Our cardiology division is well-prepared to address an array of diagnostic cardiology cases while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality.

Your well-being is paramount and our diagnostic cardiology services primarily focus on diagnosing conditions linked to the cardiovascular system, encompassing the heart and blood vessels. Our comprehensive services comprise:

Electrocardiography: This non-invasive procedure involves attaching electrodes to the chest and limbs to measure the heart’s electrical activity. It aids in diagnosing the impact of heart diseases and non-cardiac conditions on the heart. Electrocardiography is especially valuable in cases of chronic hypertension, cardiomyopathies, ischemic heart diseases, and cardiac arrhythmias. AJ Rapha offers two ECG types: Resting ECG and Stress ECG.

Echocardiography: Conducted by cardiologists, echocardiography employs harmless high-frequency sound waves directed through a transducer to visualize the heart. This examination helps assess blood flow patterns, muscular motion, contractile abilities, blood ejection capacities, and valve irregularities. Echocardiography is instrumental in diagnosing valvular heart issues and intrinsic heart diseases. AJ Rapha provides quality Echocardiography services utilizing state-of-the-art 3D equipment.

Our commitment to your cardiovascular well-being is unwavering, and our range of diagnostic cardiology services reflects this dedication.

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